One Drop of Love Q&A: Impact on Youth

At what age should you speak to young people about race, class, gender and justice? Diego has the perfect answer.

00:00:21,400 –> 00:00:31,779
DIEGO: I think the main thing that comes with
racism is basically a child isn’t
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born a racist or homophobic. It’s
how their community raises them
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that way, and they learned that and
they know nothing but that. So do you try
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to show your shows in these
environments, in these communities to
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try to inform young people or anyone?
FANSHEN: Yeah. Thank you.That’s such a great
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question. What school do you go to? (laughs) DIEGO: LACHSA. FANSHEN: Hey I know LACHSA. That’s at CalState LA!
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We’ll come! Yeah, absolutely. I’m
curious what you all think because people ask me
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what age range, and you see how I
grew up with my Mama Trudy – I could’ve watched
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the show when I was three, you know?
But I know that some of the
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themes are difficult. So what age do you
think would be appropriate for the show?
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DIEGO: I think there’s not really a starting age
to be informed, and I think anyone needs
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to know this stuff.

One Drop of Love is a multimedia one-woman show exploring the intersections of race, class, gender, justice and LOVE.
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For Jan 2015 footage:
Direction by Carol Banker
Q&A Host Patti Lewis
Camera by Katie Walker
Music by Carol Doom
Editing and logo graphics by Alex Regalado in association with SarafinaProductions
The One Drop of Love logo was designed by Zerflin