This Week as an Artivist 1/30/16: #ILOVEWOMEN #DAYJOB


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Alright. Remember a couple weeks ago when I told
you that my best friend – one of my very

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best friends in the world – was applying
for a PhD in Philosophy and she sent me

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her application essay? Well: she got she
got IN! She got into her first choice school. I’m screaming because I’m so excited.

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Got into her first choice school with money –
funding to help her do it and I’m like,

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Black woman getting a PhD in Philosophy
and a Black woman getting a PhD in

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Philosophy who wants to talk about race
and racism within that. I’m SO excited. So anyway – shout out – I’m not

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gonna say your name out loud because you
may not want me to, but I’m so proud of

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you and I love you so much!

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Congratulations. Last weekend Mama Trudy
and I went to go see this great play

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called “The Ice Cream Gene” by Susan
Ito and it is about the trans-racially

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adopted experience. And the play starts
off when Susan is meeting her

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birth mother for the first time. So
already there’s all this tension at the

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top of the play – and I’m like,”I understand that – what it feels like to have
tension in the top of your play. So – do

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you do this when you’re watching another
performer at the top of a play – you’re just

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feeling like all the feels – everything
they’re going through at that moment – so

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much pressure but that’s how she starts the
show and then she takes us on the

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journey of finding her birth mother and
it’s so moving and touching. So if it

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comes near you anywhere, I’ll put a link
to her website and her information – go

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see it. It was lovely. OK so I think I told
you about Lilah Greenberg who has come

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on to help us book One Drop of Love and
she’s amazing. I can’t believe the amount

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of work she’s done so she’s helping me
fulfill all of those goals that I talked

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about in each video. She has sent out a bunch
of emails both to new places to kind of

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pitch the show and also doing outreach
to people in Mesa. And I got tickets for her

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to come to Mesa. So she’s gonna come to
Mesa. Chandra’s

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already in Phoenix so we’re all gonna
hang out together – hopefully

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we’ll have a little bit of time to do a
little One Drop retreat session and do

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some strategic planning. I’m really
excited to have her there and I think

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it’s going to be a great way to incorporate her into the show

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and she can see how things go in
different cities because she saw it in

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Cambridge which is like where we get so
much support and love and amazing but

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to see it in another city is just it’s a
whole different experience.

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Chandra booked the show in high school
so in a high school – THANK YOU CHANDRA! In Tempe, Arizona so

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I’ll give you details on that. I just – I
want to say how much I love working with

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women. I love men and there a lot of
men that I really really love and I

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respect and I think are great but I just –
I guess there’s something incredible and

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moving about working with women because
I think we are not always expected to

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take charge especially in the business sense
and then really make things happen and

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seeing how much these two women
are working on behalf of the show – which

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also means working on behalf of social
justice, on behalf of encouraging people

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to share their stories and melding
history, historical context, all together

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with sharing your story it’s just amazing and
I feel so grateful to have them and to

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be working with them. So: shout out to
WOMEN! Work with women if you haven’t, I

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highly recommend it. Alright I wanna talk to
you about your Day Job. So if you

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don’t know, if you’re not an artivist or an
actor or performer a lot of us obviously we

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have to pay the bills and you will
without question when you’re starting

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off and for a very long time and perhaps
forever you will have to do something

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that is not directly acting related in
order to survive. And so a lot of actors

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I know work in restaurants,

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they’re bartenders, hosts and I’ve done
some of that too, but I also have to say

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that I probably have well I’m biased but
I think one of the best possible Day

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Jobs for an actor which is that I teach
ESL. I teach at a community college

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nearby and it is so incredibly rewarding.
My students are from all over. The area

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where I teach is predominantly Armenian,
so a lot of them are Armenian; we also recently

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have a huge influx of Syrian students
and working with them makes me

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constantly grateful for the life that I
have and the life that I’m able to

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choose knowing what they are coming from
and knowing what they’ve experienced in

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their countries and their reasons behind
needing to come here. Also I love that

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they don’t give a crap about Hollywood.
And as much as I will admit that there

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are – in many ways I am driven by
getting validation from this system that

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on sometimes I hate and sometimes I
want to be a part of because I want to

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change it, I love that when I walk into
that classroom and I say something like,

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Did anybody hear about this “OscarsSoWhite” and they’re like, “We don’t
know. We don’t care. We need to feed our

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children. It’s refreshing to be reminded
that there are more important things

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than just being considered for an Oscar
much more important things. They’re just

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beautiful people not to mention by the
way I highly recommend this job – so I teach

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English as a Second Language. It is a
perfect job for theater actors because

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first of all my classes 55 students so I
have to project. It’s a huge class.

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I have to protect my voice. I also am
performing for – the class is three hours

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in this session – three and a half hours in the
longer sessions, and so I am performing

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the whole time – which means I have to make the class entertaining. So

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I’m using my skills of being

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an entertaining energetic
person to get this lesson across and I

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have to say there is no question in my
mind that that has been incredibly

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helpful for me thinking about how to
keep the audience interested how to have

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the audience interact within the play
and feel like they are part of this

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journey that were going on. So I’m so
grateful for that job. It’s really

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truly I feel so incredibly fortunate for
that to be my “Day Job.”

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OK whooo here’s the hard thing about being an artivist – we talked about

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marketing which is really hard

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the other thing is being a
businessperson. Somebody told me once –

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a therapist – told me, “All is fair in
business.” Ugh. And it was such a hard lesson to learn

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because I’ve worked with folks who
didn’t have integrity in business

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dealings – and that just hurt my heart
so much and I was like, “How can this be?”

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and she said, “Look, if
you’re interested in being in business –

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profit business – because yes I would like
to make money from my art, which

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sustains me to continue to do what I
think is important in the world. But: All

00:07:45,990 –> 00:07:52,260
is fair in that – and I thought, “OK, so I
can still be committed to maintaining my

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integrity and being fair with other
people, but I also have to accept that

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there are lots and lots of folks out
there who are not going to be fair and

00:07:59,030 –> 00:08:04,760
who don’t care about advancing justice
for other people and so

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so…all to say that I worked on accounting
this week and it was it’s not fun so I

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have to do W9s and 10199s for folks that
worked on One Drop this year – and I am so

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proud that I was able to pay some people
some money for working on the show, but

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it’s a lot of work and I guess I
would just encourage you to learn how to

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do all of that, up front, and be really
organized about who you pay and when and

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for what. That’s what I’m doing that will be
in my goals for 2016 because I did ok with

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it, but I could have done a lot better. I
applied to two more Film Festivals this

00:08:45,830 –> 00:08:50,660
week. I applied to the Oaxaca Film
Festival and to Reel Sisters, so I’ll

00:08:50,660 –> 00:08:56,540
keep you posted on those. I also heard from
one film festival the DC

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Independent Film Festival – we didn’t get
into that. It’s all good. It’s ALL good. We’ll just keep waiting to see

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how things go. I got asked to potentially
Assistant Direct a show at the Boston

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Court Theatre. I read the script, I’m gonna
meet with the Director this weekend – and

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I’ll let you know how that goes. OK oh my
gosh. Tonight. Tonight

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Mama Trudy, Carol Banker and I are going to
see Sarah Jones in #SellBuyDate. Sarah Jones. You probably know who she is

00:09:27,970 –> 00:09:34,010
if you’re following this channel. She was a huge
inspiration for One Drop. I’ll put links

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to her incredible TED Talk and other work
of hers. She’s…I want to learn from her

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and so if I if there’s any way I can
even just shake her hand tonight, I

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will . But we’re going to see her tonight
and I’ll let you know how that goes next

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week. She is a true artivist. She tells
it like it is. She tells true stories and

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her goal is always to make positive

00:10:03,649 –> 00:10:07,889
and that’s what I want to
do, so I cannot wait. I can’t wait!

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OK goals this week. This week I wanna
have at least one new venue booked for

00:10:15,369 –> 00:10:19,279
One Drop so I’ll let you know how that
goes. What are your goals? What are you

00:10:19,279 –> 00:10:25,029
going to accomplish this week? Write in
the comments or make a video, tag me in

00:10:25,029 –> 00:10:25,730
the video

00:10:25,730 –> 00:10:30,490
whatever but also as I said at the top, what is
your day job? Let’s talk about what we

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all do and do we love it? And if we don’t love
it, let’s talk about other things we can

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do so we are enjoying life until we can
sustain ourselves as artivists.

00:10:42,970 –> 00:10:48,329
Shout outs to Chrystelyn and Kathryn new
subscribers to the channel. Thank you for

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subscribing. Kathryn and I were great
friends at University of Michigan and

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something that makes me so so happy is
when folks that I’ve done theater with

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long ago are still doing it. She’s an actor,
she’s done lots of TV. Check out her reel

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and her clips at her YouTube
channel. Homegirl is working. She’s a

00:11:13,480 –> 00:11:20,019
working actor. OK so let’s work together,
let’s make things happen you all. Keep me

00:11:20,019 –> 00:11:25,300
posted. I’ll keep you posted. Have a
wonderful, wonderful week. Kicked butt.

00:11:25,300 –> 00:11:31,009
Work with women work. I am saying WORK WITH WOMEN. I’ll talk to you next week! Bye bye.

This Week as an Artivist 1/9/16: Interesting Faces


Alright this is gonna be so far from perfect or what I wanted it to be and that’s cool. So this is mostly for myself because I used to keep a diary when I was young and it’s been so valuable to have those. Anyway I decided to just try to force myself to make these videos because other things that I’m posting are things that we’ve planned, and really thought a lot about – and so I want to force myself to also try storytelling in this way as well.

So anyway I want to talk about this incredible journey that I have been on, where I’m finally actually getting paid to be an actor, which is amazing, like I can say that I am a professional actor and after so many years of working towards that, that’s just incredible. So anyway here’s what I did this week: 

First of all I spent a lot of time especially today doing social media posts. I posted throughout the year once a month or once every couple of months the new Q&A video that we just posted which is “Tell your own damn story.” Then I also posted about the Mesa show which is next month, which is really cool because the last time we were in Mesa there were probably three people in the audience from the afternoon or morning show, and that included people who work for the theater. And it was a blow to the ego for sure. I was heartbroken by that and I just was thinking, “Gosh maybe this show isn’t good”…and, and they brought us back! And so I’m really excited – so that’s coming up so I posted about that.

Also we have all these great videos and so one of them that’s coming out is this brilliant idea by Chandra Crudup, my Production Manager, who you’ll meet – you’ll hear about her a lot – and she suggested that we do Team One Drop videos to introduce people to all the freaking amazing people behind the show – because I don’t do it alone by any means. I have an incredible amount of help. So I’ve been working with Alex Regalado who was one of the editors of the long version of the film and we’ve been working together – she’s been cutting these Team One Drop videos together and sending me notes and I give her notes and I’m really excited about that.

Okay I had an audition this week – a commercial audition – for – and this is really good for me – that the age was 40, and I was like,  “Cool.” It’s crazy to me because I know that would make most women in Hollywood freak out and I feel such a sense of relief that I’m actually going out for things that are close to my age. I would just always get so stressed when I was going up for something a lot younger and I didn’t book. But I love this. I wanted to read to you the description so, “Matilda (it’s a commercial for a bank) Matilda is beautiful, casual, curious about the world, little makeup (YES I was like, YES! when I read that!), interesting faces. It’s me – ‘interesting faces.’ I’m cool with that, I feel like I can do that – I can do all of those things.

So I have to get my flights for Mesa that is exciting and coming up and it’s time to get the flights for that and I’ma do that this week.

applied to the United Solo Theatre Festival. I got an email that they extended their deadline and I was like, “I just have to do this!” It takes place on theatre row in New York City, so why not? Why the freak not? So I applied to that.

We did two shows at the Museum of Tolerance with Heather Oliver as my Production Manager and they were both amazing. Monday’s show there were definitely more Black folks in the audience and the reason I know that is because they were doing call-and-response with me, which I really appreciate and when I wrote the show I had that in my head, and so it was just really nice. It’s always nice to have an audience that actually interacts during the show. On Wednesday they didn’t necessarily interact, but it’s so interesting to me too because I play this – do you do this? I’ll bet you do this, like I play this awful mind game with myself during the show where I’m like, “Oh they hate it” and I know, I know, a better actor would not do that, but it’s part of what’s going through my head – and I hope to evolve in it and not be so anymore – but yeah I was thinking that, and then afterwards there was an outpouring of love and support and so they really enjoyed it; they just took it in very differently than that Black group and for all I know the Black folks might have hated it! And shout out to those teachers in Sacramento who then went on the Facebook page and gave us a whole bunch of new ‘likes’ and it was really lovely – just a great time at the Museum of Tolerance; I’m so grateful to have that gig and hope I’ll be there are a lot more.

My husband and I – Diego and I – watched “Making a Murderer” on Netflix and it’s freaking amazing if you haven’t seen it – although it will also make you infuriated because I’ve listened to all of “Serial” about Adnan Sayed – the first one – and “Undisclosed Podcast” and this will just continue to make you so frustrated about the criminal justice system. We have to do better. But it’s important to see these because you have an understanding of the ways police departments and lawyers and judges manipulate the system. So watch that if you haven’t seen it, it is freaking amazing.

Ok: I introduced some women to this incredible filmmaking group that I’m in.

I returned some emails about an exhibit in LA that I hopefully will be a part of.

I got cast in a reading of a play called “Luck of the Irish” that I’m doing next week, so I’ll take some video about that.

I got tickets for my mom to come to LA and she’s coming in an hour and I gotta go pick her up from the airport.

And finally I’m so excited because my best friend is studying philosophy – which is just amazing in and of itself – and she’s a Black woman and she is looking at race within philosophy and so she sent me…can I…I’ll just say she sent me a paper to read and I, like, the little bit that I understood was so on point with what I believe in and just the representation of her as a Black woman doing philosophy – a PhD is what she’s gonna be going for – is just so exciting to me. It was a beautiful way to end this week of artivism.

So thanks for watching and thanks Mama Trudy for watching, because I know you are. And I’ll see you (Mama Trudy) in an hour and I’ll see you all next week. I’ll try to add one of these once a week.

Ok. Bye!